Posted by: yemenia68 | May 31, 2018

The world we live in……..

In a world with gene editing technology, humanoid robots, opioid epidemics, mass shootings, and lastly, gender neutral bathrooms, one can’t help but wonder if we live in the twilight zone. Is this for real?
What happened to the good old days when real people did their own jobs and men were called men and women called women? Was it so bad that we had to look for even more technology to liberate all and any aspect of human life. What is going on people? What happened to simplicity and living normal lives?
Everywhere you look, someone is trying to outrun or outdo someone or something. Through social media, we do it by either trying to achieve more likes on facebook, twitter, and youtube. Through science, we’ve achieved gene editing technologies and created humanoid robots because we have a need to be more creative because innovation is success, right? Let’s be serious here, to what extent does innovation plan to take us? Where is the human race headed?
Hey, I’m all for vacuum’s and dishwashers and whatnot but once innovation leads us to a world where we can no longer be human, that’s where I’m done with it. After all the ultimate goal is to alter DNA and build more robots because the human race is just not good enough the way it was created, right? Even the concept of man and woman has to be changed to gender neutral because science does not understand why or who created that concept to begin with.
Don’t get me started with the gender neutral bathrooms. Are we so confused that we can no longer identify what gender we are, or do we just want to be given a choice to become whatever we see fit. That does not sit well with me. I do not understand this concept at all. If people choose to believe that they are a different gender, that is their choice but please do not impose those beliefs on everyone else. So by passing laws that mandate gender neutral bathrooms, we are being forced to accommodate those beliefs. What has this world come to?
Am I the only one concerned here people? Do I live in some parallel universe or am I imagining all of this?
On a side note: The saddest part of all is that the whole world is looking to become like us. Third world countries are fighting for liberation from their dictatorship governments and uncivilized lives to become like the west. What exactly is it that seems so attractive? Western civilization has become less human and more scientific in thought, theory and actions and to what extent? In our so-called politically correct world, people have less compassion and more greed. So what exactly is so attractive about our innovation and leading technology, I dare ask.

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