My Identity



I am a female Arab-American who is originally from Yemen. I am a mother of 6 and a grandmother of 4.

The pictures represent my mixed identity, it’s a combination of ancient and modern mentalities. I’ve lived mostly in Detroit but I have also spent some time in Yemen.

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I started this blog to convey my thoughts, emotions, and frustration regarding various issues in my life. If anyone can relate to or disagrees with any of these posts please feel free to comment. I am very open-minded, so just say what’s on your mind.

I’m not a scholar of Islam, nor am I a historian. What I post is based on my personal beliefs, so please don’t make any comments regarding my lack of knowledge concerning these issues because these posts are not based on statistical research nor historical books.

Please remember, we are here to simply “discuss” common interests, not to judge and stereotype each other.

I appreciate your insight, so please feel free to comment. I don’t discriminate….everyone is welcome.


  1. Hello there Eman,

    Came across your blog this morning and your thoughts brought a smile to my face.
    I look forward to reading more from you….
    For now I just wanted to leave a quick not of acknowledgment and appreciation….I shall leave some more reflective comments on some of your posts in the coming visits…..

    And regarding your post on men finding strong women intimidating….you might be interested to join a group I run on facebook called “Yemeni Feminist Activists” (I know…sounds a little radical and “imported from Western culture” lol…). Some of the ideas you touch upon are raised in the discussions there, among alot other stuff on Yemeni women in general…. I invite to join the group and contribute your thoughts on any topic…


  2. Amal

    Thanks for passing by.
    Finally, I find someone who agrees with me…….lol.
    I’ll be more than happy to visit your blog if you want to leave a link or send it to me by email.
    I’m looking forward to your invite. 🙂

  3. Hey, I read a lot of blogs on a daily basis and for the most part, people lack substance but, I just wanted to make a quick comment to say GREAT blog!…..I”ll be checking in on a regularly now….Keep up the good work! 🙂

    – Marc Shaw

  4. Thanks Marc for your kind words.
    For some reason your comment was in my spam folder. Just found it 🙂

  5. my name is obas tom a nigerian from edo state benin city born on the 6-04-1992

    • hello obas, welcome to my blog

  6. Hey,
    I am doing a paper on Middle Eastern women. You seem like someone who would be very interesting to interview. May I ask you a few questions? Being a non Muslim, but best friends to one has given me a very positive view on your religion. I really would like to showcase that in my paper. Thanks so much.

    • Ask away, I don’t mind. 🙂

  7. Dear Eman,
    I love your blog and the honesty it provides. You are beautiful and wonderful and have been through alot. Also, I feel it was very smart of you to write publicly in a blog because you are a very good writer. With the many children you have, all of your obligations as mother and wife, I’m surprised that you were able to find time to express yourself. Continue writing, you are worthy and you do have an identity….let it be uncovered and beautiful.
    Thank you for sharing your heart- I connected.

    • Thank you for your kind words. You made my day. It is rare that I get nice compliments like yours. 🙂

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